Clave: TABPJN006

House en Club de Golf TabachinesAdd to favorites
Cuernavaca, Morelos.

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Style: Frances Security: Yes
Lot: 1300 m² Type of lot: Flat
Levels: 2 Age: 15 years
Condition: Excellent Breakfast area: Yes
Living Room: Yes Dining Room: Yes
Bedrooms: 6 Baths: 7.5
Closets: Included Kitchen: With equipment
Stationary gas: Yes Service quarters: With bath
Cistern: Yes Garage: 4 cars
Garden: Large Pool: With equipment
Municipal water: Yes Central heat and air: Air conditioning
Phone lines: 1 Located: In condominium
Traffic: Nil
Sale: $30,000,000
Rent: $80,000
Mexican pesos
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